Frequently Asked Questions

What is this project?

The Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) has collected information from 7,000 people from the United Kingdom. It is part of an international collaboration with 20 countries that have already taken part. The GGS provides data on families, partnerships and life courses and is part of the Generations and Gender Programme.  To find out more visit the programme’s website.

Who is funding this project?

The University of Southampton in partnership with the Economic Social Research Council (ESRC) are funding the Generations and Gender Survey. The ESRC is the largest research council the UK:

Do I have to take part?

No, it is entirely up to you to decide whether or not to take part. Your participation is voluntary and you may withdraw within 14 days for any reason. However, if you ask to withdraw from the study after that time, it may not be possible to remove your answers once your contact information is no longer linked to the data.

Who are the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen)?

NatCen is Britain’s largest independent social research agency. For over 50 years, they have worked with charities, government and academic institutions to find out what people really think about the big issues. NatCen is independent of all government departments and political parties.

How did you get my contact details?

In a previous survey, you consented to us contacting you again. Now we are contacting you just in case your contact information has changed, so that we can make sure we can stay in touch for future surveys.

What will you do with the information I give?

Your information is treated in the strictest confidence under current data protection legislation. The results are used for statistical purposes only. If you provide consent, NatCen will store contact data securely for up to five years in order to contact you in the future about how your life has changed.

How do you safeguard my privacy?

All your information will be held until no longer required, in accordance with current data protection legislation. Under this legislation, the University of Southampton is the ‘Data Controllers’ and NatCen are the ‘Data Processors’ on behalf of the University of Southampton. We will both hold your information on the basis of ‘Legitimate Interest’. If you agree, then your contact information will be held for up to 5 years to allow us to recontact you.

If you want to learn more about how we safeguard your privacy, your data and your rights you can read our data protection policy at or contact the NatCen Data Protection Officer by email: If you have a complaint, please contact the University of Southampton Research Integrity and Governance Manager (023 8059 5058,

How can I contact you?

To get in touch you can email us at or call us on 0800 652 4568.